On Wed, 3 Apr 2024, Russell Senior wrote:

All Slackware why they aren't compatible and the best way to deal with it.


It occurred to me that while the name might be the same the specifices might
change between releases. Although, why there are more macs reported with
`ssh -Q mac' on the laptop with the newer OS version than there are in that
host's /etc/ssh/ssh_config doesn't make sense to me. And the results of `ssh
-Q mac' are the same names on both hosts. Shrug.

Protocols get deprecated from time to time because of discovered or
perceived weaknesses. You can usually override the deprecations for a
while. If you don't like typing the override everytime, you can add a host
specific override to your .ssh/config file.

Yes. Until I'm able to complete setting up 15.0 on the NvME on the desktop
and boot into that version rather than the 14.2 on the SSD, I'll just add
the mac name on the command line when on the laptop and needing files from
the desktop.

Many thanks,


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