On 7/31/23 23:15, Ben Koenig wrote:
The longterm success and/or failure of any software project comes down to the 
maintainability of the codebase. Projects with good, clean codebases get more 
love because the cost of contributing is much lower. Given how many big 
projects use moinmoin I think it's safe to say that nobody has bothered to fix 
it because it's a hot fucking mess.
The wikipedia entry says "a steamed or boiled bean pudding".

I think what actually happened is that v1.x achieved a kind of stability and it basically didn't change for a decade and the people who knew how it worked kind of wandered away. It was only the abandonment of python2 that has led to the "crisis". There has been a slow moving effort to build a v2 of MoinMoin, but it's reportedly not ready for production, or wasn't when I looked last (again, about a year ago).

Russell Senior

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