Ok, regarding quotes, I‘m going to have a fix for that in the next
It’s indeed related to quotes not being correctly encoded in the JSON
being sent to the server.

Tony T wrote: 
> I wonder if the App will be updated for iOS 14.

What updates do you specifically expect?
There probably will be a privacy option for the clipboard thing -
although technically that has been communicated for years (at least on
the blog).

And then towards the end of the year I have to remove the web browser,
Apple requires that.

I was considering home screen widgets, but they are really hard to make
useful and since they require Swift they would at least double the
executable size of iPeng, I‘m not sure that‘s worth it for something
essentially just being a big icon for an individual player.
You can’t display anything useful on them because they are completely

Might wait with them for the full Swift rewrite I’m working on.
Unfortunately, SwiftUI is still pretty limited for more complex UI

learn more about iPeng, the iPhone and iPad remote for the Squeezebox
Logitech UE Smart Radio as well as iPeng Party, the free Party-App, 
at penguinlovesmusic.com
*New: iPeng 9, the Universal App for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch*
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