castalla wrote: 
> As I suspected!  Pity because the available apps (squeezepad and iPeng)
> just don't have the deceptive simplicity and elegance of Material. 
> I'll stick with the browser version. 
> Is there any way to increase the font size beyond the Largest setting (a
> way to zoom maybe?) which is still too small for my aged eyes.  I know
> it's possible in the apk which is why I use the app on android but I
> can't find a working zoom setting in Safari.

Just to be sure: 
You are aware that when you are in Safari and tell Safari to add the
site to your homescreen and you call it then from that new icon on your
homescreen - it opens in full screen mode. That gives you more screen
real estate
I have a tiny iPhone SE 2016 (and also aging eyes...) and materials
large font setting is almost too large for me in that setting..

LMS 8.x on RasPi4 (running along with OMV and AdGuard)
Player: 5 x Squeezebox Classic, Slimp3, SqueezeAmp
2nd System: PiCorePlayer (and LMS) on Pi Zero
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