htcheng wrote: 
> Hi, Not sure if it's my set up but the version of @phillipe44's plugins
> that are available via the LMS Settings plugin configuration page seem
> to be very out-of-date and not auto-updating to the latest versions.
> I've resorted to manually updating the plugins from the Github repos -
> is anyone else having this issue?

There are currently two sets* of Philippe's plugins.
The old stable set and the new dev/beta set.
To get the beta set you need to have Philippe's beta repository
configured in your LMS plugin page as an additional source of plugins.

At some point the beta cycle will finish and those plugins will become
the stable set and those without the extra repository configured will
then have the new plugins available.

* where two sets could be three ... because there may well be some
versions that are even more frozen in time because the hardware platform
that they are running on of the LMS that they are using is no longer
actively supported.

Paul Webster
author of \"now playing\" plugins covering radio france (fip etc),
planetradio (bauer - kiss, absolute, scala, jazzfm etc), kcrw, abc
australia and cbc/radio-canada
and, via the extra \"radio now playing\" plugin lots more - see
Paul Webster's Profile:
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