Both the SB3 and the Duet are "slim" devices.  They both pull all of the
info they need to operate from Squeezecenter.  If you are running both
the Duet and the SB3 from one instance of Squeezecenter, there should
be no difference in their ability to access

Im a bit confused about whether you are trying to use the inbuilt plugin or the 3rd party Squeezecenter plugin.  You mention
Squeezescrobbler but also talk about the in-built plugin.  The
Squeezescrobbler plugin does not have any country restrictions at all,
so it should work on both the Duet and the SB3 without any problems,
but you can't use the inbuilt plugin if you are in the Netherlands at
the moment.  If you can't get Squeezescrobbler to work on your Duet,
there may be something wrong with your setup, perhaps an IP conflict
given what you say about static IPs. Also, you can't run two separate
or synced streams with the Squeezecrobbler plugin.  It's a
technical restriction imposed by (see 'here'
so this may account for some of the issues you are experiencing.

I'm pretty confident that if the situation you describe was right, i.e.
that the Duet can't access either via the inbuilt plugin OR the
Squeezescrobbler plugin (depending on country), but the SB3 could,
there would be thousands of angry fans clogging up the boards.  Yours
is the first case like this I've seen.  If you switch on logging for
the Squeezescrobbler plugin, what error messages do you see
when you try to change stations with the Duet?


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