
I'm using pmacct to store data in two tables, one containing data
recorded on a per minute basis, the other containing data recorded on an
hourly basis. When I get data for the first table over a period of three
hours, the download traffic (calculated by adding up the bytes field for
traffic where the ip_dst value is from a machine on the local network)
for one IP address on the network is 3,719,772,656 bytes. The download
traffic from the second table for the same IP address over a period of
one week, including the three hour period mentioned above, is
significantly smaller (2,114,286,512 bytes) where I would expect it to
be much larger and I can't figure out why. A slightly modified version
of the contents of my pmacctd.conf file is given below. Can anyone help?

daemonize: true
pidfile: /var/run/pmacctd.pid
syslog: daemon

plugins: mysql[inbound1], mysql[outbound1], mysql[inbound2],

aggregate[inbound1]: src_host, src_port, dst_host, dst_port, proto
aggregate[outbound1]: src_host, src_port, dst_host, dst_port, proto
aggregate[inbound2]: src_host, src_port, dst_host, dst_port, proto
aggregate[outbound2]: src_host, src_port, dst_host, dst_port, proto

pcap_filter: not (src and dst net

sql_db: pmacct
sql_table[inbound1]: short_data_table
sql_table[outbound1]: short_data_table

sql_table[inbound2]: long_data_table
sql_table[outbound2]: long_data_table

sql_history[inbound1]: 1m
sql_history[outbound1]: 1m
sql_history[inbound2]: 1h
sql_history[outbound2]: 1h

sql_history_roundoff[inbound1]: m
sql_history_roundoff[outbound1]: m
sql_history_roundoff[inbound2]: h
sql_history_roundoff[outbound2]: h
sql_table_version: 6
sql_host: localhost
sql_user: auser
sql_passwd: apass

sql_refresh_time[inbound1]: 60
sql_refresh_time[outbound1]: 60
sql_refresh_time[inbound2]: 3600
sql_refresh_time[outbound2]: 3600
sql_dont_try_update: true
sql_optimize_clauses: true

sql_preprocess: minb = 1000


Daniel Levy

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