Hi Paolo, All,

First I would thank you Paolo for this great piece of software !
Thanks to my predecessor (hi Pym) I already have a working pmacctd installation which doing accounting on my network :)

I have some questions tough :

I have enabled inbound accounting in my network.
I want to distinguish in and out traffic.
For now I make something like this, using pre_tag filter :

# more /etc/pmacct/pretag.map
set_tag=100 ip= in=527
set_tag=100 ip= in=528
set_tag=100 ip= in=530

set_tag=200 ip= out=527
set_tag=200 ip= out=528
set_tag=200 ip= out=530

# more /etc/pmacct/nfacctd.conf

pre_tag_filter[in_hour]: 100
pre_tag_filter[out_hour]: 200

! sql outbound by hour
sql_refresh_time[out_hour]: 300
sql_history[out_hour]: 5m
sql_history_roundoff[out_hour]: m
sql_table[out_hour]: netflow_out_hour_%Y%m%d_%H
sql_table_schema[out_hour]: /etc/pmacct/netflow_out_hour.schema

! sql inbound by hour
sql_refresh_time[in_hour]: 300
sql_history[in_hour]: 5m
sql_history_roundoff[in_hour]: m
sql_table[in_hour]: netflow_in_hour_%Y%m%d_%H
sql_table_schema[in_hour]: /etc/pmacct/netflow_in_hour.schema

It's working well, but I wonder if it exists another, more clear/simpler method ? because I have to maintain the pretag.map. Or perhaps I could mix In an Out flux in the sql table (but make the table much bigger).

Side question about pretag filter ? the "tag" field in sql is always at '0' ? This is not blocking but I wonder why ?

Another question about BGP src_as and dst_as fields :
Depending on the direction the src_as or the dst_as are correclty filled, but not the other which is always '0' ? I would assume that it will be my As number ? Should I have to deal with network filter ?

I have many other questions, but for now I think that is sufficient :)


Raphael Mazelier

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