Pod People,

I got a pull request to switch to metacpan.org for L<> http links. AFAIK 
search.cpan.org is not deprecated, and is still the official community CPAN 
search site. If there is some discussion about changing it, or if Graham thinks 
it's time to switch then great. Otherwise, I am not inclined to accept this 
patch (though if it is hard to change the default URL with a subclass I would 
be happy to take that, or a command-line option).

But I thought it ought to be subject to discussion here before I make any 
unilateral (and potentially uninformed) decisions. Comments?



Begin forwarded message:

> All L<> markup now uses metacpan.org instead of search.cpan.org, as per this 
> misfiled ticket: https://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=114420
> I haven't talked to the metacpan folks about this yet though, so strictly 
> speaking the acknowledgements section regarding use of the site is still a 
> lie. That's to come. :)
> You can merge this Pull Request by running:
>   git pull https://github.com/karenetheridge/pod-simple topic/metacpan.org
> Or view, comment on, or merge it at:
>   https://github.com/theory/pod-simple/pull/36

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