On Aug 13, 2012, at 11:10 AM, Ricardo Signes wrote:

> I don't think there's an official community, so I don't think we can have an
> official community site.

Don’t Ask and Robert manage the machines that search.perl.org is on? Or is that 
just DNS?

> I switched all my Pod-to-HTML stuff, like dzil.org's engine, the Perl Advent
> calendar, and perl release announcements, to using metacpan some time ago.
> metacpan is open source and can be contributed to with patches, which means, 
> to
> me, that it's more likely to be a community effort than search.cpan.org.
> So, I am in favor of the change.  Rejecting it isn't a big deal, I think, but 
> I
> predict that it will just end up being accepted in the future.

Could be. But I think the ability for users to easily supply whatever URL they 
want would be better. Then it would matter less (and I suspect that Graham 
would have to change the search.cpan.org code so that its URLs are still local).



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