On Jan 10, 2015, at 5:48 PM, Sean Burke <sbu...@cpan.org> wrote:

> Helleu, Pod pals!
> Short version about "Re: Assume CP1252"-- I advise: yes, assume CP1252 where 
> technically you were expecting Latin-1.

Thanks for chiming in, Sean.

> I agree completely, go for it!
> Yes:
> * assume that input is CP1252 in the absence of any encoding being declared
> * assume that input is CP1252 if the declared encoding is Latin-1
> As far as I know, that amicable bait-and-switch (i.e., construing Latin-1 to 
> actually mean the superset CP1252) means in practice that everybody wins, and 
> nobody loses, and DWIM prevails yet again.

Right, I vaguely remember you telling me this before. I forgot about #2 (and 
the HTML 5 precedent).

> BTW: I think many people would appreciate having "=encoding ansi" tolerated 
> as a synonym for "=encoding win-1252"... because some systems simply call it 
> that-- and I can never remember 1252 vs 1250 vs my own zipcode vs last four 
> digits of my Antarctican passport, etc.

ansi == cp1252??

I think Encode determines aliases.

> Incidentally, you presumably might want to expand the %Latin1Code_to_fallback 
> table in Pod::Escapes.

Paging Neil Bowers.

> Now, there's two issues that may or may not be already seen as separate:
> * assuming that input is CP1252 in the absence of any encoding being declared
> * assuming that input is CP1252 if the declared encoding is Latin-1
> I suggest doing both (like HTML5)-- but at least the first definitely!


> If anyone wants extreme S&M, maybe a throw a note in WARNINGS about "I 
> expected this to be in Latin-1 but it looks like maybe you should probably 
> have a '=encoding win1252' line."
> But that seems a case of pointless and even onerous obtuseness, instead of 
> unproblematic DWIM.  I think.

Meh. I'm thinking, however, of adding a note to the ChangeLog for the next 
release that this change will be in the following release. I’ve already added a 
note that support for Perls < 5.5 will be dropped.

> As to possible flaws, I see two that are on the very edge of remote 
> possibility.
> But, for sake of completeness, I'll note:

Pretty obscure!

> I hope this message has helped.

Thanks again!



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