To wiadomosc z listy APAP. W skrocie i niedokladnie: Dzisiaj, tj. 21
pazdziernika, KPA wystapilo do sadu w Nowym Jorku z powodu dyskryminacyjnego
potraktowania Polakow przez wladze amerykanskie w procesie o "Holocaust Victim
Assets Litigation".

ps.: jesli ktos potrzebuje przykladowego listu protestacyjnego w sprawie o
ktorej wczesniej pisalem, tj. apelu KPA o protestowanie do wladz amerykanskich
z powodu zignorowania przez nie polskich interesow w negocjacjach w Niemczech,
to sluze chetnie takim przykladem prywatnie.

Subject: Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation
   Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 12:45:19 -0400 (EDT)

I received the following release from the PAC this morning:

"On Thursday, October 21, 1999, the Polish American Congress filed a Motion
to Intervene in New York Federal District Court in the Holocaust Victim
Assets Litigation.

"The intervention is a class action on behalf of all Polish victims of Nazi
persecution residing in the United States who were excluded within the
defined categories in the Court's proposed settlement. The proposed
settlement limited the victims of Nazi persecution to five basic groups:
Jewish, Romani, Jehovah's Witness, homosexual and disabled. The Polish
American Congress filed because ethnic Poles would be excluded from the
settlement as proposed.

"The Judge will rule on objections at a hearing in late November. "

T. Ron Jasinski-Herbert

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