Hello again,

I have now prototyped a more minimal subset of the TeXLive
distribution following concerns that the 500+MB texmf tree was too
large (which it is).

After much trial and error, blood and sweat, I have decided to use
TeXLives official "scheme-tetex" subset. Which is according TeXLive:

"TeX Live scheme nearly equivalent to the teTeX
distribution that was maintained by Thomas Esser."
        (Quoted from texmf/tpm/scheme-tetex.tpm on the DVD).

I was trying to get it a whole lot smaller, but it proves very
difficult to get a _working_ latex system on anything smaller. I think
it is the right thing to do.

Here are the package sizes on i386:
$ du -h  /usr/ports/packages/i386/all/texlive_*
10.7M   /usr/ports/packages/i386/all/texlive_base-2007.tgz
124M    /usr/ports/packages/i386/all/texlive_texmf-minimal-2007.tgz

I have not yet ported the texlive_texmf-full package (which is next on
the list if my current work is acceptable. It seems pointless to port
that if the minimal subset is subject to change).

The minimal package has successfully compiled my CV and university
assignments which I tested it with. It passes SYSTRACE=Yes, SUDO=sudo
and lib-depends-check.

I have tested on i386 and sparc64 (which I am happy about as texlive
does not support OpenBSD-sparc64 off of the DVD).

XeTeX is _not_ included in the minimal distribution. Users needing
opentype font support will require the full texmf when I port it.

Also to be published is a python script which is used to build texmf
subsets. Again, it is subject to change and also it needs to be
cleaned up a bit.

I will be documenting the porting procedure in great depth at some point also.

You may grab the port from my web page:

Please test and comment.

Emilio Perea has kindly stepped up to test on amd64. Thanks for that.

I would be interested to know how some of the more obscure platforms
deal with TeXLive.

Best Regards



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