I just upgraded FreeBSD from 13.2 to 14.0.  Postfix just picked up and ran 
fine.  However postsrsd is causing me a few issues.  I get the impression that 
postsrsd got updated, but I can't tell for sure.  At the moment, the version is 
2.0.8.  The config files (conf and conf.sample) all had dates of 14 Nov so I 
suspect they were replaced. I don't know what the original files contained 

main.conf included:

sender_canonical_maps = tcp:localhost:10001
sender_canonical_classes = envelope_sender
recipient_canonical_maps = tcp:localhost:10002
recipient_canonical_classes= envelope_recipient,header_recipient

I got errors that postfix couldn't connect to 10001.  There was nothing 
listening to either port.

I changed postsrsd.conf:

chroot-dir = ""

That got rid of the port errors.  But now postfix gave an error about the tcp 

I changed main.conf to:

sender_canonical_maps = socketmap:unix:srs:forward
sender_canonical_classes = envelope_sender
recipient_canonical_maps = socketmap:unix:srs:reverse
recipient_canonical_classes = envelope_recipient, header_recipient

and now postifx logs:  Dec  6 00:02:44 test postfix/cleanup[2365]: warning: 
socketmap:unix:srs:forward lookup error for "wa6...@arrl.net".  Postfix 
returns: 451 4.3.0 Error: queue file write error.  Turning debug on in 
postsrsd.conf does not generate any additional information.

I believe something is not configured properly for postsrd, but have not been 
able to locate the problem.  I added my local domain to domains, and mail to 
those addresses get delivered locally.  So it appears that postfix is talking 
to postsrsd properly.  It's just not working for non-local addresses.

-- Doug

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