Hi Rahul, 

Thank you very much for your blog! I have made wireshark working on ubuntu 

However, for my bug, I still have not yet figured out why this happens. 
I want to give a description, can you help to look at it? I have sent the email 
to Murphy.

My problem is :
On the switch side: I sent packet_in packets to pox controller. These packet_in 
packets only buffer_id is different, others are the same. Buffer id starts from 
0. use wireshark to capture the pacekts, I can find that on pox side, buffer id 
also starts from 0. The attachment test_new.pcap I checked the capture result. 
pox.txt is my test app pox log file. The following is my test app, you can see 
I print out the buffer id. The buffer id starts not from 0, every test time the 
buffer id starts differently. At the beginning, there are some warning 
messages. If the buffer id starts from 263. The warning lines is 263 lines. I 
do not why always some packet_in packets do not deliver to my test app. I have 
no any idea how to track this problem deeply. Now I am waiting Murphy's reply. 
I am newer to POX. Can you also help to look at it?  

def _handle_PacketIn (event):
        packet = event.parsed
        msg = of.ofp_flow_mod()
        msg.match = of.ofp_match.from_packet(packet, event.port);
        msg.buffer_id = event.ofp.buffer_id
        log.info("buffer_id %i", msg.buffer_id);
        msg.idle_timeout = 10
        msg.hard_timeout = 30
        msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = 0))
        msg.data = event.ofp

def launch ():
    Starting the Firewall module
    core.openflow.addListenerByName("PacketIn", _handle_PacketIn)
    log.info("test miss flow")

在 2014-08-25 02:26:37,"Rahul Sharma" <rahulsharma...@gmail.com> 写道:

Hi Zang,

You can follow the steps which I have written for ubuntu:

I have used the same bitbucket code as mentioned by Murphy. I hope it helps.


On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 2:27 PM, Murphy McCauley <murphy.mccau...@gmail.com> 

Right, yours is pretty old.  The last build I did (on Mac OS) was against 
1.10.7, but this version seems to be pretty easy and I believe basically "just 
works" with the updated dissector 

I'd suggest you may make your life easier by building Wireshark 1.10.7 from 
source, then building the dissector against that.

-- Murphy

On Aug 23, 2014, at 7:01 PM, 张伟 <zhang...@126.com> wrote:

My wireshark version is 1.6.7. I follow this link to configure

By default, the wireshark does not have openflow.so and packet-openflow.so 
plugins. So I think the official wireshark  version I used does not support the 
openflow. I will learn your build method and try it. 

At 2014-08-24 06:46:28, "Murphy McCauley" <murphy.mccau...@gmail.com> wrote:
Wireshark is adding official support for OpenFlow.  You may already have it.  
This might explain why you have both openflow.so and packet-openflow.so, which 
seems strange to me offhand.  The point being that you may not need to build an 
OpenFlow dissector yourself at all.

If you do want/need to build a dissector yourself, you probably don't want to 
use the one from the actual OpenFlow reference.  The last time I built the 
original dissector, it was from this updated version:

You might find more help on the openflow-discuss list.

-- Murphy

On Aug 23, 2014, at 6:01 AM, 张伟 <zhang...@126.com> wrote:

Hi all, 

According to Murphy guidance,  I want to install wireshark openflow plugin to 
inspect the packets. After installing and run wireshark, I met this error:
Couldn't load module /home/guest/.wireshark/plugins/openflow.so  
/home/guest/.wireshark/plugins/openflow.so undefined symbol:try_val_to_str

ls -l  /usr/lib/wireshark/libwireshark1/plugins/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 142851 Jun 24 22:46 openflow.so
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 188763 Aug 23 08:45 packet-openflow.so
In openflow packet_openflow.c file, I have added 
modify this function:
void proto_reg_handoff_openflow()
    openflow_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_openflow, proto_openflow);
    //dissector_add(TCP_PORT_FILTER, global_openflow_proto, openflow_handle);
    dissector_add_unit(TCP_PORT_FILTER, global_openflow_proto, openflow_handle);

Does anybody meet this problem and can give me some suggestions?

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