On 6/11/13 1:09 PM, David Wood wrote:
On Jun 11, 2013, at 12:58, Hugh Glaser <h...@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:

Nicely put, David.
I have heard people going the other way and disconnecting them, however.
That is, suggesting that Linked Data does not need to be RDF, which I do find 
confuses people (and me!)
It seems to me that those unnamed "Web developers" (I am a Web developer, but 
not of their opinion) who think that RDF is unnatural are solving a different and simpler 
problem than Linked Data or RDF developers.  They rightly recognize that the RDF formats 
don't provide them any value when getting data from a *single source* for display within 
a browser.  They are not trying to combine data from different silos.  When you do that, 
Linked Data and RDF are a very natural way to go.

In addition, HTTP URIs help understand the power of keys since HTTP URIs resolve to descriptions of their referents, from any user agent. Even when there's a single data source this can be a crucial bridge to clarity since users do recognize the limitations of literal identifiers which (by implication) are silo vectors i.e., the keys are only useful in a specific product.

Having a tabular resultset (CSV, Spreadsheet etc..) enhanced with Linked Data URIs is a powerful bridge for those that seek clarity about what Linked Data adds to the table.


1. http://bit.ly/170lBPg -- shared Google spreadsheet
2. http://bit.ly/18axeTP -- CSV browser with live links .



On 11 Jun 2013, at 16:56, David Booth <da...@dbooth.org>

On 06/11/2013 10:59 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
[ . . . ]  many RDF advocates
want to conflate Linked Data and RDF. This is technically wrong, and
marketing wise -- an utter disaster.
I have not heard RDF advocates conflating Linked Data and RDF, but maybe you 
talk to different RDF advocates than me.

AFAICT, the vast majority of RDF advocates know that Linked Data is RDF in 
which URIs are deferenceable to more RDF, but RDF is not necessarily Linked 
Data, because RDF itself does not require URIs to be dereferenceable.




Kingsley Idehen 
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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