Zitat von Kingsley Idehen <kide...@openlinksw.com>:

On 6/11/13 4:12 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:

   This is the goal of the Semantic Web: to enable machines to
   usefully and (semi-)automatically, find, share, combine and
   process web data. Because Linked Data is RDF, Linked Data supports
   that goal in a very important way that Linked Stuff does not.

We already have the 5 stars of linked data. If you use RDF you're probably 5 star. If you dont you're probably 4 star or lower. That said, there may be some other linked data system one day become a 5 star standard.

Great point!

The 5-Star Open Data system [1] is a nice approach to framing this most challenging of narratives. It's greatest virtue is not putting RDF at the front-door :-)

Actually, that's quite interesting. Well done!

So, the only difference between four stars and five stars is, additionally to lexicographical linking (two URIs that match character by character), we can introduce additional links -- named links (named properties in RDF) -- to convey more meaning and get more out of it.
That's basically what the RDF data model is good for.

That is the most basic explanation, I've every heard of Linked Data and the purpose of RDF (providing a standardized way of reaching five stars).

And I agree, an introduction to Linked Data should minimize the usage of RDF and its internal terminology.

Thanks for sharing that.



1. http://5stardata.info/ -- 5-Start Open Data



Kingsley Idehen
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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Sven R. Kunze
Chemnitz University of Technology
Department of Computer Science
Distributed and Self-organizing Systems Group
Straße der Nationen 62
D-09107 Chemnitz
E-Mail: sven.ku...@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de
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