On 06/11/2013 06:24 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
On 6/11/13 6:18 PM, Luca Matteis wrote:
On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 12:02 AM, Kingsley Idehen
<kide...@openlinksw.com <mailto:kide...@openlinksw.com>> wrote:

    Really? You are referring to a revision of the original meme [1].
    And when you digest that meme, please don't come back inferring
    that TimBL must have been thinking about RDF when he produced
    outlined the four points in his original GOLDEN meme.

Who cares about the revisions from way back in 2006? We care about
what the document says *today*. And it mentions RDF. So do the top 3
results of the Google result for "linked data" [1][2][3].

Indeed.  As I pointed out to Kingsley a few weeks ago:
> - Of the top 10 hits from in a google search for "Linked
> Data", **every one of them stated or implied that Linked
> Data is based on RDF.**
> - Of the top 10 sites listed in a google search for '"Linked
> Data" is', **every one of them stated or implied that Linked
> Data is based on RDF.**
> - Of the top 10 sites listed in a google search for '"Linked
> Data" definition', **every one of them stated or implied
> that Linked Data is based on RDF.**
> How much evidence do you need?  Shall we check the top
> 100 hits?  Or the top 1000 hits?  Shall we try other search
> engines?   If you search hard enough you might find a tiny
> fraction that supports your claim.  But the vast majority
> of the evidence does not.
> The vast majority of the evidence indicates that in
> established usage, the term "Linked Data" implies the use
> of RDF.  If you wish to propose a new definition that is
> contrary to this established usage, you are obviously free
> to do so.  But please do *not* make the patently false claim
> that your proposed new definition reflects accepted usage.
> It very clearly does NOT.

But I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Do we both agree
that RDF is a fundamental requirement for data to be called "Linked Data"?

No I don't, and I never will!

Apparently no amount of evidence is going to change your mind.

Please do not be surprised if people are (understandably) annoyed at your insistence on using the term "Linked Data" in a way that others find intentionally misleading.


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