Hi Hartmut,

>Hi all,
>my swikis often crash in the moment when I save an edited screen with an 
>plugin like <?image src="ok.jpg" width=50?>
Sorry, but I think I have just crashed your swiki while I was trying to 
understand the problem ;)

>after restarting the swiki I can see the image file name but not the 
>image itself (the file name mutated to a link, and clicking it shows the 
>image). What am I doing wrong?
Well, I think nothing ;)
It worked for me when I tried <?image src="ok.jpg" width=150?> for 
example. It crashed when I tried <?image src="ok.jpg" width=100?>. I 
have noticed that Swiki creates another image file in the upload 
directory when it has to scale down (and probably up) the original image 
and names it <originalImageFileName-widthXwidth.jpeg>. I have done some 
tests in my own Swiki and it worked fine with an uploaded image named 
"doll010.jpg". When I try <?image src="doll010.jpg" width=50?>, my Swiki 
creates another image file named "doll010-jpg-50x50.jpeg". I am running 
Swiki in a Linux box.

>You can examine an example there:
>Thanks to all for any hints
>Hartmut Pfüller
I hope this can help.

Antonio Barros
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