
Even if there was no activity since 2008 I hope there are some people who
can maybe answer some questions.

I stumbled across Swiki some days ago, and was very happy as it seems to
be the only Wiki being able to run from the MacOS 9 desktop directly.
Exactly what I was searching for some years, and ideal for my needs. I use
exclusively MacOS 9 at several machines up to 1,4 GHz G4s, on a daily

So I downloaded http://wiki.squeak.org/swiki/uploads/39/OneOfTheseDays.zip
and wanted to start getting familiar with Comanche/Squeak/Swiki and how it
works. But I got several problems preventing me from evenhaving a look at
it, even if there seem to be several Mac Classic parts, ...

Is this the right place to ask my questions an report what went wrong? If
not, please point me where to find Swiki&Mac interrested users and



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