Fabio da Silva <fc...@yahoo.com> writes:

> Good morning,
> I was wondering if there are any binaries for OpenGL enabled PyCUDA
> for Windows 10. My understanding (thanks, Andreas) is that it I will
> probably need to build it on my own. Since I never did that, I went
> online and found some resources here
> (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19634073/pip-install-pycuda-on-windows)
> with the source code from here
> (https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/5e/3f/5658c38579b41866ba21ee1b5020b8225cec86fe717e4b1c5c972de0a33c/pycuda-2019.1.2.tar.gz).
>  Specifically:1. Downloaded
> the source code from pythonhosted and untarred it.2. On the main
> folder I ran:>> python configure.py3. Then I went to siteconf.py and
> enabled OpenGL on line 9:CUDA_ENABLE_GL = True4. Finally I ran the
> commands:>> python setup.py build>> python setup.py installĀ 

> After that, I tried to open PyCUDA in an IPython window and
> got:ModuleNotFoudError: No module named 'pycuda._driver'And obviously
> no pycuda.gl either.

If your build from above completed, then you should have PyCUDA
installed *somewhere*. This somewhere may just not be the same Python
interpreter as what your Jupyter notebook uses. You can find out where
these interpreters live by examining sys.path (from both the notebook
and the Python prompt for the Python that you used to build/install)


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