On Sat, 27 Feb 1999, James Henstridge wrote:
> That is a truely wierd problem.  May I ask what versions of glib, gtk+,
> imlib, gtk-engines and pygtk you are using? 

Fresh from CVS:
[mwh21@atrus mwh21]$ glib-config --version
[mwh21@atrus mwh21]$ gtk-config --version
[mwh21@atrus mwh21]$ imlib-config --version

> I just tested it out on my
> system and it worked like a charm (I have CVS versions from a few days
> ago).

It's not been working for a few days. I'm not sure pygtk has worked since
gtk started autoreading ~/.gtkrc. It doesn't seem to get along with the
pixmap theme.
> The next thing that might be causing your problem is that the imlib don't
> have the shared library dependencies built into them.  What happens if you
> run "ldd /opt/gnome/lib/libgdk_imlib.so.1" does it display the libraries
> it should be linking with (libgmodule, libglib, libdl).  

[mwh21@atrus mwh21]$ ldd /opt/gnome/lib/libgdk_imlib.so
        libgmodule-1.3.so.0 => /opt/gnome/lib/libgmodule-1.3.so.0
        libglib-1.3.so.0 => /opt/gnome/lib/libglib-1.3.so.0 (0x4002a000)
        libdl.so.2 => /lib/libdl.so.2 (0x4004b000)
        libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0x4004e000)
        /lib/ld-linux.so.2 => /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x00000000)

That looks OK to me...

> What version of
> libtool did you use to compile imlib? (you can check by going to the build
> directory and typing ./libtool --version).  If it is less than 1.2d that
> would be your problem.

Well it was vanilla 1.2, but I've updated, recompiled glib, gtk+, imlib
and gnome-python, and it still cores.
Further poking seems to indicate that the pixmap module is loaded twice -
the first time it fails with the unresolved symbol error, and then it's
tried again, and it dumps core when g_module_open calls its
check_module_init function... The problem is gdb can't seem to follow
execution through tha function pointer call so I don't know what's going
on there.

I don't know enough about the process of symbol resolution to guess a
solution. Anybody got any ideas?

> If you aren't using a i386 linux system, try copying the libtool,
> ltmain.sh and libtoolize scripts from a recent gtk+ to the imlib and
> gtk-engines packages and rebuilding.

No it's a fairly ordinary RedHat 5.2 install on an i686, kernel version

> James Henstridge.

Thank you far your help...

Shared libraries are weird aren't they?

Michael Hudson
Jesus College

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