Quoting James Henstridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> If you are grabbing this stuff out of CVS, you should probably switch over
> to the stable branches of glib and gtk+ (I think they are named glib-1-2
> and gtk-1-2).  With gtk+-1.3, they are back to development and have
> started changing things around (AFAIK, imlib and GNOME are staying on the
> gtk 1.2 branch until gtk 1.3 has stabilised a bit).

How does one do that with CVS ?

Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla             Team AMIGA     AROS Head of Development
Author of XDME, ResTrackLib, CInt.                     <http://www.aros.org/>
"(to) optimize: Make a program faster by improving the algorithms rather than
by buying a faster machine."                               <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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