Below are the changes I made in the .py files before applying 2to3
tool to convert the PyInstaller code to support Python 3
File Name: PyInstaller/
219:    #self.lib.write('\0'*self.HDRLEN)# - - -
self.lib.write(b'\0'*self.HDRLEN)# + + +

292:    #MAGIC = 'PYZ\0'# - - -
MAGIC = b'PYZ\0'# + + +

File Name: PyInstaller/
114:    #npth = os.path.join(p, string.lower(mod))# - - -
         npth = os.path.join(p, mod.lower())# + + +

132:    #tokens = string.split(txt[i])# - - -
         #if len(tokens) == 1 and string.find(tokens[0], '.') > 0:# - -
                #rslt.append(string.strip(tokens[0]))# - - -

        tokens = txt[i].split()# + + +
                if len(tokens) == 1 and tokens[0].find('.') > 0:# + + +
                        rslt.append(tokens[0].strip())# + + +

265:    #nm, jnk = string.split(nm, '\0', 1)# - - -
                nm, sep, jnk = nm.partition(b'\0')# + + +
                nm = str(nm) # + + +
                jnk, sep, nm = nm.partition('\'') # + + +
                nm = nm.rstrip('\'') # + + +

278:    #fullnm = string.upper(os.path.basename(pth))# - - -
                #if seen.get(string.upper(nm),0):
                fullnm = os.path.basename(pth).upper()# + + +
                if seen.get(nm.upper(),0): # + + +

282:    #seen[string.upper(nm)] = 1# - - -
                seen[nm.upper()] = 1# + + +

284:    #if seen.get(string.upper(lib),0):# - - -
        if seen.get(lib.upper(),0):# + + +

401:    #_bpath.extend(string.split(os.environ.get('PATH', ''),
os.pathsep))# - - -
         _bpath.extend(os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep))#
+ + +

418:    #for path in string.split(lp, os.pathsep):# - - -
         for path in lp.split(os.pathsep):# + + +

File Name: PyInstaller/
33:     #import UserList# - - -
import collections# + + +

856:    #class TOC(UserList.UserList):# - - -
class TOC(collections.UserList):# + + +

858:    #UserList.UserList.__init__(self)# - - -
                collections.UserList.__init__(self)# + + +

File Name: PyInstaller/
91:     #return string.join(rslt, '')# - - -
                return b''.join(rslt)# + + +

124:    #MAGIC = 'MEI\014\013\012\013\016'# - - -
        MAGIC = b'MEI\014\013\012\013\016'# + + +

File Name: PyInstaller/
97:     #a.analyze_r('Tkinter')# - - -
        a.analyze_r('tkinter')# + + +

File Name: PyInstaller/
28:     #StringTypes = types.StringTypes# - - -
        StringTypes = str# + + +

File Name: PyInstaller/
48:     #STRINGTYPE = basestring# - - -
        STRINGTYPE = str# - - -
403:    if importernm.find('xml.sax') == -1:# + + +
importernm = _string_split(importernm, '.')[:-level]
importernm = _string_join('.', importernm)

File Name: PyInstaller/
27:     #True  = 1 == 1 # - - -
        #False = not True # - - -
        pass # + + +
File Name: PyInstaller/
21:     #import sys, string, os, imp, marshal, dircache, glob# - - -
import sys, string, os, imp, marshal, glob# + + +
38:     #STRINGTYPE = basestring# - - -
STRINGTYPE = str# + + +
44:     #files = dircache.listdir(os.path.dirname(filename))# - - -
                files = os.listdir(os.path.dirname(filename))# + + +
116:    #stuff = self._read(py[0])+'\n'# - - -
#co = compile(string.replace(stuff, "\r\n", "\n"), py[0], 'exec')# - -
stuff = (self._read(py[0])).decode()+'\n' # + + +
co = compile(stuff.replace("\r\n", "\n"), py[0], 'exec')# + + +

394:    #import UserDict# - - -
        #class LogDict(UserDict.UserDict):# - - -
        import collections# + + +
        class LogDict(collections.UserDict):# + + +
398:    #UserDict.UserDict.__init__(self, *args)# - - -
collections.UserDict.__init__(self, *args)# + + +

404:    #UserDict.UserDict.__setitem__(self, key, value)# - - -
            collections.UserDict.__setitem__(self, key, value)# + + +

407:    #UserDict.UserDict.__delitem__(self, key)# - - -
            collections.UserDict.__delitem__(self, key)# + + +
441:    #nms = map(None, nms, [importer]*len(nms))#  - - -
                names = list(nms)#  + + +
                nms = []# + + +
                for name1 in names: # + + +
nms.append((name1,importer))#  + + +
460:    #newnms = map(None, newnms, [nm]*len(newnms))#  - - -
names = list(newnms)#  + + +
newnms = []
for name2 in names:
newnms.append((name2,nm))#  + + +
473:    #nmparts = string.split(nm, '.')# - - -
                nmparts = nm.split('.')# + + +

483:    #pkgnm = string.join(string.split(importernm, '.')[:-1], '.')# -
- -
                pkgnm = '.'.join(importernm.split('.')[:-1])# + + +

492:    #contexts = [string.join(string.split(importernm, '.')[:-level],
'.')]# - - -
if importernm.find('xml.sax') == -1:# + + + for handling import
contexts = ['.'.join(importernm.split('.')[:-level])]
else:# + + +
contexts = ['.'.join(importernm.split('.'))]# + + +
553:    #co = compile(string.replace(stuff, "\r\n", "\n"), fnm, 'exec')#
- - -
            co = compile(stuff.replace("\r\n", "\n"), fnm, 'exec')# +
+ +

858:    #EXEC_STMT = dis.opname.index('EXEC_STMT')# - - -

893:    #op = ord(c)# - - -
                op = c# + + +
895:    #oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256# - - -
            oparg = code[i] + code[i+1]*256# + + +
972:    #elif op == EXEC_STMT: # - - -
                #    cndtl = ['', 'conditional'][conditional] # - - -
        #    lvl = ['top-level', 'delayed'][nested] # - - -
                #    w.append("W: %s %s exec statement detected at line %s"
% (lvl, cndtl, curline)) # - - -

File Name: PyInstaller/hooks/
33:     #pos = string.find(nm, '.')# - - -
                pos = nm.find('.')# + + +
File Name: PyInstaller/hooks/
38:     #pos = string.find(nm, '.')# - - -
pos = nm.find('.')# + + +

File Name: PyInstaller/hooks/
27:     #txt = exec_statement("import xml;print xml.__file__")# - - -
        txt = exec_statement("import xml;print (xml.__file__)")# + + +
29:     #if string.find(txt, '_xmlplus') > -1:# - - -
        if txt.find('_xmlplus') > -1:# + + +
File Name: PyInstaller/pyi_optik/
22:     #(True, False) = (1, 0)# - - -
        pass# + + +
83:     #choices = string.join(map(repr, option.choices), ", ")# - - -
                choices = ", ".join(list(map(repr, option.choices)))# + + +
327:    #self.dest = string.replace(self._long_opts[0][2:], '-', '_')# -
- -
self.dest = self._long_opts[0][2:].replace('-', '_')# + + +

File Name: PyInstaller/pyi_optik/
30:     #(True, False) = (1, 0)# - - - SyntaxError: assignment to keyword
         pass # + + +
725:    #return string.replace(s, "%prog", self.get_prog_name())# - - -
                return s.replace("%prog", self.get_prog_name())# + + +

File Name: PyInstaller/pyi_optik/
19:     #(True, False) = (1, 0)# - - - SyntaxError: assignment to keyword
        pass # + + +
75:     # whitespace_trans = string.maketrans(_whitespace, ' ' * len
(_whitespace))# - - -
        whitespace_trans = string.maketrans(_whitespace.encode(), (' ' *
len(_whitespace)).encode())# + + +
103:    sentence_end_re = re.compile(r'[%s]'              # lowercase
                                 r'[\.\!\?]'          # sentence-
ending punct.
                                 r'[\"\']?'           # optional end-
                                 % string.ascii_letters)# + + +
                                 #% string.lowercase)# - - -
AttributeError: 'module' object has no
File Name: PyInstaller/source/linux/
45:     #True, False = 1, 0# - - -
        pass# + + +

130:    freeze_exceptions = 0# + + +
        files = ['main.c', '../common/launch.c'] # + + +
        have_warnings = 1# + + +
        #Commented the lines below because there is no module called
exceptions in python 3
        """have_warnings = 0
        import exceptions
        if not hasattr(exceptions, '__file__'):
                freeze_exceptions = 0
                files = ['main.c', '../common/launch.c']
                if hasattr(exceptions, 'Warning'):
                have_warnings = 1
                freeze_exceptions = 1
                import exceptions
                print "reading exceptions from", exceptions.__file__
                inf = open(exceptions.__file__, 'rb')
                code =
                codelen = len(code)
                outfp ='M_exceptions.c', 'w')
                files = ['M_exceptions.c', 'main.c', '../common/launch.c']
                outfp.write('unsigned char M_exceptions[] = {')
                for i in range(0, len(code), 16):
                for c in code[i:i+16]:
                outfp.write('%d,' % ord(c))

178:    #somevars['CFLAGS'] = string.join(cflags) # override# - - -
        somevars['CFLAGS'] = ' '.join(cflags) # override# + + +
189:    #makemakefile.writevars(outfp, somevars, string.join(targets))# -
- -
                makemakefile.writevars(outfp, somevars, ' '.join(targets))# +
+ +

197:    #print 'Now run "make" to build the targets:', string.join
(targets)# - - -
        print('Now run "make" to build the targets:', ' '.join(targets))#
+ + +

File Name: PyInstaller/source/linux/makemakefile:
44:     #outfp.write("\n%s: %s\n" % (target, string.join(deps)))# - - -
        #outfp.write("\t$(CC) %s -o %s $(LDLAST)\n" %(string.join(files),
        outfp.write("\n%s: %s\n" % (target, ' '.join(deps)))# + + +
        outfp.write("\t$(CC) %s -o %s $(LDLAST)\n" %(' '.join(files),

After applying the 2to3 conversion tool I needed to change two lines
in the file PyInstaller/py_optic/ Thes changes are as
210, 496:       if type(args[0]) is types.StringType: #before applying 2to3
                if type(args[0]) is bytes: #after applying 2to3 tool
                if type(args[0]) is str: # I needed to change to

Below are the changes I made in the bootloader program to support to
make it work with Python 3. After making these changes I used Scon and
Python 2.6 to build the bootloader.
File Name: PyInstaller/source/common/launch.c
69:     //DECLPROC(PyString_FromStringAndSize);// - - -
//DECLPROC(PyFile_FromString); // - - -
//DECLPROC(PyString_AsString); // - - -
DECLPROC(PyBytes_FromStringAndSize);// + + +
DECLPROC(PyBytes_AsString);// + + +

87:     //DECLPROC(PyInt_AsLong);// - - -
DECLPROC(PyLong_AsLong);// + + +

394:    //GETPROC(dll, PyString_FromStringAndSize);// - - -
        GETPROC(dll, PyBytes_FromStringAndSize);// + + +
403:    //GETPROC(dll, PyFile_FromString);// - - -
        //GETPROC(dll, PyString_AsString); // - - -
        GETPROC(dll, PyBytes_AsString); // + + +
422:    //GETPROC(dll, PyInt_AsLong);// - - -
        GETPROC(dll, PyLong_AsLong);// + + +
730:    //co = PI_PyObject_CallFunction(loadfunc, "s#", modbuf+8, ntohl
(ptoc->ulen)-8);// - - -
co = PI_PyObject_CallFunction(loadfunc, "y#", modbuf+8, ntohl(ptoc-
>ulen)-8);// + + +
871:    //block_size = PI_PyInt_AsLong(PI_PyDict_GetItemString(aes_dict,
"block_size"));// - - -
        block_size = PI_PyLong_AsLong(PI_PyDict_GetItemString(aes_dict,
"block_size"));// + + +
881:    //memcpy(data, PI_PyString_AsString(ddata), ntohl(ptoc-
>len)-32);// - - -
        memcpy(data, PI_PyBytes_AsString(ddata), ntohl(ptoc->len)-32);// + +
1038:   //__file__ = PI_PyString_FromStringAndSize(buf, strlen(buf));//
- - -
        __file__ = PI_PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(buf, strlen(buf));// + + +
1089:   //*presult = PI_PyInt_AsLong(pyresult);// - - -
        *presult = PI_PyLong_AsLong(pyresult);// + + +

File Name: PyInstaller/source/common/launch.h
120:    //EXTDECLPROC(PyObject *, PyString_FromStringAndSize, (const char
*, int));// - - -
//EXTDECLPROC(PyObject *, PyFile_FromString, (char *, char *));// - -
//EXTDECLPROC(char *, PyString_AsString, (PyObject *));// - - -
EXTDECLPROC(PyObject *, PyBytes_FromStringAndSize, (const char *,
int));// + + +
EXTDECLPROC(char *, PyBytes_AsString, (PyObject *));// + + +
138:    //EXTDECLPROC(long, PyInt_AsLong, (PyObject *) );// - - -
EXTDECLPROC(long, PyLong_AsLong, (PyObject *) );// + + +

File Name: PyInstaller/sconstruct
20:     import os
33:     #base_env = Environment(MSVS_VERSION = msvs_ver)# - - -
        base_env = Environment(ENV = {'PATH' : os.environ['PATH']}) # +
+ +

For making all of these changes I took help from Python 3 manual, the
site and other
information from net.

This is working fine with Linux, but on Windows I am getting “The
exception unknown software exception (0xc0000417) occurred in the
application at location 0x78588389”.

Please guide me to resolve this issue.

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