Ok here goes,  PEP 333 (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0333/) laid
out  "a simple and universal interface between web servers and web
applications or frameworks: the Python Web Server Gateway Interface
(WSGI)."  WSGI defines two basic aspects of the web interface, a server
for interacting either with the web directly or with a webserver, and a
web API for creating applications.  Paste is a framework for
implementing WSGI applications.  Paste takes care of configuring,
starting and stopping WSGI applications.  Pylons is a WSGI framework
built on top of paste, you have to have paste to have pylons. 
Conversely there are several WSGI frameworks built with paste (Ian has
written a couple of them).  Paste essentially takes care of all the low
level WSGI communication with the webserver, be it via a real http
interface, fcgi interface or what ever.  So paste is not meant to be a
replacement for apache, although a WSGI application can certainly be
served without apache, it can also be served with apache either via a
proxy method (using either paste's http server or chreeypy's http
server, or with apache2 via flup ajp interface) or via fastcgi. 

So pylons requires paste, and if you want to integrate pylons with
apache this can be done with either:
1) proxy (http: paste or cherrypy, or ajp: flup)
2) fastcgi (flup)
3) scgi (flup)
4) mod_python (via its wsgi gateway)

I hope I didn't confuse things more for you

walterbyrd wrote:
> I've never used Pylons at all.  I've just started reading about it.
> I'm trying to understand how Pylons uses "Paste." Is Paste just a web-
> server to use for development? Or, is paste meant to be a replacement
> for apache?
> If paste is meant to be a replacement for apache, with that work with
> shared hosting?
> Does Pylons require mod_python, or fastcgi?
> Does Pylons require the web server be restarted, when the code is
> modified?
> >

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