
Isn't that enforced by Routes that controllers must be classes? I
remember some discussion about possibility of using any other
dispatching library/method in Pylons. It was something about new WSGI
environment key "wsgiorg.routing_args". I might be completely wrong on
that though.


On Jun 12, 9:59 pm, "Shannon -jj Behrens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 10:05 AM, rcs_comp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Jun 11, 4:10 pm, Karlo Lozovina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> What's the practical difference between controller based approach and
> >> views based one? Eg. Django views, and controllers in Pylons? It
> >> doesn't seem that much different, so why not make all controller
> >> actions regular functions, instead of class methods? What's the gain
> >> in this controller approach, if any? :)
> >> Thanks...
> > I differ a bit from the opinions above.  I like to think of a web
> > request as asking "show me something."  Therefore, IMO, it makes sense
> > to map a web request to a "view".  The view (a Python class) then
> > knows how to use actions (a Python class) to "do something", the
> > actions know how to use the model to get work done.  The view then
> > renders a response in an appropriate format (HTML, JSON, etc.) using
> > any helpers necessary (i.e. "templates").  The view does not have to
> > render using a template though.
> > I had a diagram of this at one point, but can't get the darn thing to
> > open right now.  If anyone is interested in seeing a diagram let me
> > know and I will try to get it working and post one.
> What you are describing is closer to the Rails philosophy.  They're
> big on pushing stuff into models, even validation.  I've done it that
> way, and that works too.
> I think of it like a pie.  You can slice the pie in many ways.  Slice
> it however you like.
> That's one thing I like about Pylons.  It does make you use a class
> with methods, but it doesn't force you too much beyond that.  If you
> want to do something strange like put all your logic in models and
> then use string interpolation within your controllers you can.
> Whatever floats your boat ;)
> Happy Hacking!
> -jj
> --
> I, for one, welcome our new Facebook overlords!http://jjinux.blogspot.com/-
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