On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 3:39 AM, Wichert Akkerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Previously Eric Ongerth wrote:
>> I have heard that the more you try to make Javascript behave like
>> Python, the more you end up hating Javascript -- but that says nothing
>> about Javascript itself.  Javascript is really a different language,
>> with different strengths.  Perhaps the best plan is to use Javascript
>> for its strongest points (for example instant-turnkey use of JSON,
>> totally anonymous objects, function mutability, etc.) and do your more
>> Pythonic tasks in Python.  Pylons makes it quite easy to leave as much
>> of your logic as you wish in your controllers and keep your client-
>> side view code very very thin.  Especially if you use a lightweight,
>> concise JS framework like jQuery to help keep things readable and
>> organized.
>> That still leaves the case of the programmer who says, "I want to keep
>> as much logic as possible on the client side to ease my server load,
>> but I hate Javascript".  In that case I don't have any good advice.
> Choose a new carreer :)

>> The claim that Javascript "become[s] quickly unreadable for even
>> medium-sized applications" really reflects only on the individual
>> programmer/developer and not on the language, honestly.  Javascript
>> does not deserve to be compared to (e.g.) php, an unruly beast that
>> literally encourages a mess.  Javascript is, at worst, neutral with
>> respect to organization; at best it embodies the heights of
>> abstraction, encapsulation, and readability.  It's all up to you.
> A problem with javascript is that most people using it never get beyond
> writing tiny bits of code to perform a single effect on a page. With new
> frameworks making that even simpler that is even more true now than it
> was a few years ago. But once you get beyond that you will indeed see
> that javascript is a very nice and fun language.
I actually disagree there, javascript (IE the spec and all non-browser
interpreters) is a very nice language, just as nice as python and
sometimes a bit better with some of it's tricks. But the problem is
when it comes to implementations all those libraries are there because
it's totally horrible to get all the tiny details fixed. The other big
problem with JS is that it's bound to the browser therefore the dom
therefore you have to have wrappers around everything to make it work.
So basically most people are afraid of it, rather than amused.

That said I really think a JS wrapper in JS is better than a JS
wrapper in python or whatever language for that matter. Any DSL which
is pretty much what all the libraries have become is way better than
having a half baked parser/compiler/runtime to generate code from
language A into language B

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