On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 3:12 PM, Raoul Snyman <raoul.sny...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I've just spent the better part of the weekend scouring the docs for
> some mention or example of how to do auth (both authentication and
> authorisation) from the database, and gave up and decided to roll my
> own, because I can't see how to do it from the DB.

I can't answer your question as to why there aren't more tutorials. I've
recently done what you are now doing, and found this very helpful:

For me, making __acl__ into a property that is therefore in-effect a
function call allows me to mix more than one kind of "group" or other
credentials. In my case, I have three:

1. I have groups that are basically class-level static permissions, declared
in my class definition in an attribute called _class_acls.

2. Then I have some credentials that are stored in my database with the user
account object itself, in an attribute called _inst_acls, but could be a
column or whatever.

3. and finally I have credentials that are derived at call-time based on
things like the users' id. One could go on and on, of course, having a
"its_a_tuesday_morning" permission, or "user_id_is_divisible_by_7" or

The __acl__ attribute is really running self._get_acls() which assembles all
three types of permission credentials; it was an aha moment for me, and I'm
embarrassed that I didn't think of it sooner; I guess reading the docs made
me think that there might be something "magical" about __acl__ but it's just
an attribute.

This trick can also be extended to objects that need authorization, as in
the link I pasted. These two "dymanic" tricks make the standard traversal
and acl stuff super powerful. I'm using ZODB, but the principle is the same.
Once you think about __acl__ as something that can be callable, you can
literally do anything.

I hope this helps, but really, Michael Merickel is the one to thank for the

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