On Wed, 2011-12-21 at 12:17 -0600, Steve Schmechel wrote:
> Following the tutorial did not work for me using "pip", but worked
> fine using "easy_install" (distribute).
> It was done with Python 2.7 in a virtual environment created with
> --no-site-packages.

The error message doesn't seem to show anything useful.  I'm pretty
clueless.  There's a tempfile mentioned as "install-record.txt"; maybe
it has information.

> Also, you may want to look at "pinning" the dependency versions for
> Cornice.  It seems to pull in the latest of everything, which will
> likely be a problem at some point.  (It pulled in the just-released
> Pyramid version 1.3a3.)

Making a package author responsible for pinning dependencies is usually
a really poor idea, because it means the package cannot be used in
configurations where it actually does work but an old pin or a
too-conservative pin prevents it.  In general, if folks want guaranteed
stability and repeatability, they are going to need to maintain their
own version pins (using a requirements.txt, a buildout.cfg, or a
self-hosted index).

- C

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