On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 7:17 PM, Steve Schmechel <shma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Following the tutorial did not work for me using "pip", but worked fine
> using "easy_install" (distribute).
> It was done with Python 2.7 in a virtual environment created with
> --no-site-packages.
> (The "pro-Pip" people claim that problems encountered with Pip are due to
> authors not setting things up correctly, and that Pip won't "half install"
> things.  Then many packages on PyPI must be broken, because in my
> experience Pip only installs things successfully less than half the time.)
Weird. I had other issues with Paste* packages at some point in Distribute.
If you investigate I am interested. One thing to try would be to install
Paste* packages manually before you install Cornice -- if it works, I'd
suspect a cache issue.

> Also, you may want to look at "pinning" the dependency versions for
> Cornice.  It seems to pull in the latest of everything, which will likely
> be a problem at some point.  (It pulled in the just-released Pyramid
> version 1.3a3.)

yeah though topic. I tend to agree with Chris here.. In any case Cornice is
very lightweight and should work on most pyramid versions unless the way
views are registered drastically change. In that case, I'll introduce
version ranges I guess.

> I haven't gotten much past the "Hello World" screen yet, but I will be
> digging further soon.
> Cool ! looking forward for your feedback

> Should future conversation remain on the pylon-discuss list or move to
> another venue?
I guess it's fine here, unless Chris and other people managing the
Pylons/Pyramid project think it's innapropriate, in that case I could
create another one.


Tarek Ziadé | http://ziade.org

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