Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:
I think that (and we can discuss this - I don't set laws, I just have opinions that may not always beright, so feel free to comment) mod_python should do fewer things but do them exceptionally well.

I would agree with that totally. As a long time user of mod_python, I would add that I personally disagree with including Sessions, psp, publisher, etc. in the base distribution, since these things seem to have held up releases. I don't use any of those things as all with mod_python, and I don't see how they're necessary to use mod_python for what it's for: creating apache extension modules in Python.

The thing we need to address is what to do with nifty things we create but that don't qualify for inclusion. The idea of a 'contrib' directory has been floated around for a while, I for one am against it for the same reasons above - it should either be 100% supported or not included at all IMO.

If that's the case, there definitely needs to be a central place for contributed code like this. I think a contrib directory is convenient, but I also know the issues of who decides what to put in there, how much do put include, how do you gently waive off support requests for its contents.

But there needs to be something. What do you see on the list all the time? People asking how do I implement database pooling, how to I use sessions, here's my database implementation for sessions. I say put the publisher there as well, since it doesn't have anything to do with the philosophy of mod_python, even by Grisha's definition, and solves some release issues with mod_python itself (can anyone say imports?).


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