Nic Ferrier wrote:
Nic Ferrier wrote:

And again I renew my argument that there needs to be some kind of contrib archive that is probably separate from mod_python and unsupported in the core distribution. Maybe a wiki or code repository or something to support all the contributions like this. That way all these neat things can be available to people who are using mod_python, but not burden the development process of mod_python itself with issues concerning the constributions.

I agree. But I don't think logging glue should go in it. logging glue
should be in core mod_python because it is glue, not a feature built
on top of Apache or Python, simply a link between the two worlds.

Maybe I just don't have enough exposure, but I don't see the logging module used as ubiquitously as you seem to imply. I could agree with you if logging was used everywhere, even in Python and its standard modules. I could be wrong, but I just don't see it.

If logging is just available in an addon then developers have still
got the problem of deploying mod_python PLUS pretty much essential
stuff from so and so archive as well as the app.

Well, while you may see interfacing with the logging module as "essential" for your work, I just don't see it as a general case. In my case, I ultimately decided not to use the logging module because it was more cumbersome than I needed my logging to be. I wanted to be light and flexible, and anyone using my stuff could implement a logging handler to use my interfaces, if they liked.

Call it a difference of opinion until someone can change my mind :)


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