Nicolas Lehuen wrote:
2005/10/19, Nic Ferrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:

    Is everyone here called Nic[h]olas?

    Nicolas Lehuen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> writes:

     > Nic, there is something I need to understand before giving my
    advice on the
     > subject. I'm not familiar with the logging API, can you tell me
    how you
     > configure Python to use this logging implementation ? Looks like
    we have to
     > manipulate configuration object, set up handlers and so on... If
    so I guess
     > we'd have to add a word or two in the documentation on the best
    way to do
     > this in the mod_python context...

    Hmmm... logging is actually very simple if you want it to be.

    All you really have to do to use logging from Python is this:

      import logging

      # then sometime later

      logger = logging.getLogger()
      logger.debug("a log message")

    lot's more things are possible and the logging API is very

     From an Apache point of view you do need to configure the default
    logger in your handler so that it has access to the apache vhost

        hdlr = apache_log_handler.ApacheLogHandler(http)

    once you've done that then any handler which descends from the default
    handler (and that's the normal way to do things) will log to Apache.


In that case, setting up the logging handler should be done by the user, making sure that it is set up only once per interpreter, even in the context of a multi-threaded MPM. It's not a trivial thing ; looks like this is a job for PythonImport.

Except that you won't have a server reference to get the virtual host configuration. If you are using a custom log for each virtual host, won't your error messages end up in the wrong log?

So my advice is that if the set up is done by the user, then the logging handler should be considered as contrib. If you provide a way for mod_python to directly set up the handler, maybe this could be considered part of mod_python.

Here are some further things to consider if anyone wants to persue it. Consider the following code:

import logging
from mod_python import apache
from proposed_mp_logging_module import ApacheLogHandler

def handler(req)
    req.content_type = 'text/plain'
    log = logging.getLogger('request')
    hdlr = ApacheLogHandler(req)
    msg =  'Its all good''%s' % msg)
    req.write('check the logs for "%s"' % msg)

All fine and dandy. But isn't logger a singleton? So each time a request is processed we'll be adding a reference to the request object, which will never get garbage collected and result in a memory leak.

Furthermore, you can't depend on the request object being valid once the request processing has completed. At some point request_tp_clear (in requestobject.c) will get called and request->server will be set to NULL. (At least I think this is correct). My gut tells me you'll get some random seg faults.

Also, is there not an assumption that the logger instance is in effect global? So let's say you change the level in one request such as log.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL). In mpm-prefork or mpm-worker models changing the log level will not propagate to the other child processes. I expect most users will find this confusing.

As I said before I don't think this is as trivial to implement as it might seem at first blush.


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