Hi Sam,

On Thu, Oct 07, 2021 at 03:52:56PM -0400, Sam Gross wrote:

> I've been working on changes to CPython to allow it to run without the
> global interpreter lock. I'd like to share a working proof-of-concept that
> can run without the GIL.

Getting Python to run without the GIL has never been a major problem for 
CPython (and of course some other Python interpreters don't have a GIL 
at all). I think the first attempt was in 1999, a mere handful of years 
after Python was released.


The problem has been removing the GIL without seriously degrading 
performance. How does your GIL-less CPython fork perform? Especially for 
single-threaded code.

Have you been following progress of the GILectomy?


Single threaded code is still, and always will be, an important part of 
Python's ecosystem. A lot of people would be annoyed if the cost of 
speeding up heavily threaded Python by a small percentage would be to 
slow down single-threaded Python by a large percentage.

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