1. Barry Warsaw

> This means that any PEP which proposes syntactic changes to support typing 
> features must also address the implications of those syntax changes for the 
> general Python language.  PEP 646 (Variadic Generics) is a good example of 
> this.  Early on we recognized that the proposed syntax change had 
> implications for Python, and we asked the PEP authors to address those 
> implications for Python, which they added:

Yes, we definitely plan to include syntax implications in the PEP. (I'm 
co-author of PEP 646 :) )

This was one of the reasons we wanted to get high-level feedback here, since 
our proposal includes a syntax change for Python.

2. Łukasz

As Steven mentioned, your proposal of using a function name as its type is 
definitely something we're keeping in mind. It comes under the "alternative 
proposals" I talked about in part 2.

As a replacement for Callable itself (part 1), writing a separate function 
signature is much more verbose and inconvenient. Given how frequently we need 
to express simple positional-only callables (like `Callable[[Request], 
Response]`) and ParamSpec callables, the consensus was strongly in favor of 
having simple inline syntax.

However, when it comes to complex features like named parameters, default 
values, and `**kwargs` (part 2), your proposal might well be more readable than 
"hybrid" syntax. These use cases rarely come up, based on our stats, so a 
simple, syntax-free change like yours might be better than trying to duplicate 
everything that can be expressed in function signatures.

So, shorthand syntax + function-name-as-type could be a good overall solution 
for part 1 and part 2. This would give us simple and friendly syntax for the 
most common cases and readable syntax for the advanced cases.

What do you think?
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