On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 02:40:32PM -0800, Neil Schemenauer wrote:
> On 2022-01-18 23:14, Gregory P. Smith wrote:
> >
> >Our stdlib unittest already enables warnings by default per 
> >https://bugs.python.org/issue10535.
> >
> >Getting the right people to pay attention to them is always the hard part.
> I wonder if we can do a bit better in that regard.  When I install 3rd 
> party packages, I create a usercustomize.py file that uses 
> filterwarnings() to turn off all the warnings I don't care about.  I 
> don't know how but maybe we could make that easier to do.  That way, you 
> don't get buried in warnings coming from code you don't maintain.

Or maybe, as a developer (not an end-user of an app), you could be more 
proactive in reporting those warnings to the third party, and 
encouraging them to fix them. Maybe even submitting a patch?

If we use a library, then we surely care about that library working 
correctly, which means that if the library generates warnings, we 
*should* care about them. They are advanced notice that the library is 
going to break in the future.

Of course I understand that folks are busy maintaining their own 
project, and have neither the time nor the inclination to take over the 
maintenance of every one of their dependencies. But we shouldn't just 
dismiss warnings in those dependencies as "warnings I don't care about" 
and ignore them as Not My Problem.

Like it or not, it is My Problem and we should care about them.

Especially in the case of open source software, the lines of 
responsibility are blurred. Open source libraries are not proprietary 
black boxes with a strict division between the vender that supplies the 
library and the people who use the library. They are fully transparent, 
we can see the warnings and, at least potentially, see how to fix them. 
And we have the legal right to.

This is a hard problem, but it is not solely a technical problem. It is 
partly a social problem, and you cannot fix social problems with 
technology. People are ignoring the warnings, and not just the immediate 
developers of the software, but their downstream users.

The open source mantra about many eyes making bugs shallow doesn't work 
when everyone is intentionally closing their eyes to the warnings of 
pending bugs.

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