One reason I dislike this whole proposal is that I can see forward declarations (FDs) ending up in code that doesn't need them.  This could happen if     (a) The FDs were needed at some point, but then the type declarations were taken out.  This could happen with someone modifying their own code, or lifting from someone else's code.     (b) A relative newbie could see FDs in someone else's code and assume that they were necessary, or at least desirable, and put unnecessary FDs in their own code in imitation.
Result: Code clutter and confusion.
AIUI the problem to be solved is solely related to typing.  Is it not possible to solve it purely in the "typing world", rather than letting it leak out and "infect" something basic in the core language like how classes are declared?  By "core language" I guess I mean "Python without typing".
Best wishes
Rob Cliffe
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