On 27/04/22 11:07 am, Chris Angelico wrote:
You're saying that it's somehow different when the original dev
intends for it, and that that makes it "not monkeypatching". I dispute
that, and I consider that the feature would be helpful whether the
original dev meant for it or not.

The forward declaration and continuation both have to be specially
marked, so you *can't* use it for monkeypatching.

Would subclassing
therefore become legitimate if the original author intended for it,
and be called "method stealing" if it were not?

You seem to think I have something against monkeypatching. Personally
I don't, but someone else seems to as they objected that they don't
want monkeypatching to be encouraged. I was just pointing out that
(1) I don't think it's the same thing as monkeypatching and (2)
you can't use it to modify an existing class in an ad-hoc manner


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