On 03/08/2012 09:19 AM, Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues wrote:
Before I forget, I'd like to ask you about this:

On 03/08/2012 10:36 AM, Anthony Liguori wrote:
I'm really not a fan of buildroot. Note that in order to ship binaries,
full source needs to be provided in order to comply with the GPL. The
FSF at least states that referring to another website for source that's
not under your control doesn't satisfy the requirements of the GPL.

About using buildroot, what is up with it, since it is mature and works well?
You mentioned than providing all the sources is harder than it looks like, and I
surely think this might be the case.

buildroot is a full blown distribution. But instead of distributing binaries, it only distributes source code. Think of it like Gentoo--.

It relies on third party links to fetch said source code which means that it's not unusual at all for buildroot to straight out fail. Because it needs a GCC that can build shared libraries, it also requires rebuilding GCC which increases the build time even for a minimalistic configuration.

Having a JeOS it not meant to replace having proper guests (like Fedora or Ubuntu). As I've said in other notes, the point of having a JeOS is to essentially use Linux as a libOS when writing unit tests.

But in all my naiveness, if the problem is to ship the exact source with the
images have been built, couldn't I just ask buildroot to fetch all the tarball
sources (there's a function to perform source download only) and add them to the
appropriate git branch?

Okay, let's say I'm a developer and I want to use a new Linux kernel to test the new virtio-pci feature I added with buildroot. Where do I begin? What patch do I submit?

That's the use case I'm trying to go after.


Anthony Liguori

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