At 11:47 11/12/2004 -0500, you wrote:

I do think that market is pretty well satisfied by QPC.


Well he would say that, wouldn't he. And why not ? It is a brilliant piece of work. and come so far since I last looked at it

To this effect Marcel is absolutely right... and if one wants 100%
compatibility with old QL software there's always uQLx, Q-emuLator and Qlay

Hardware based solutions hosted on a PC only make sense if that is a
strictly development platform for a stand-alone device later....

Plus what's the point? QPC would be about 1000 times cheaper :-) (Plus it
supports everything a Super QXL would support.. (and then some)

The *only* potential other use for such a card would be a PC free of the
emulation overhead, however this would be so specialised that it isn't
even worth mentioning IMHO

Ah, reached the subject atlast. Are you saying Nirvana is reached already - I thought there were development discussions going on here.

Sure some Greek, largely purloined by academicians but the Empire imported more than raw materials, words too from all around the world.

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