ÎÎÎ Sun, 12 Dec 2004 04:09:08 -0000,Î(Î) Mike MacNamara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ÎÎÏÎÏÎ/wrote:


I have done this since the first time XP said it needed to contact MS, and the ' MS person' said I could only use 3 or 4 installatins I had 6 PCs networked here at the time. Not an option. Its works on all XP versions, although we also use the corporate version, it is useful when upgrading others PCs, new CPU, Cards, etc. If you think it is not legal, I won't divulge the reputable industry communication it comes from.

I have specific instructions from the resident M$ Officer at our Uni (yes see in what deadly embrace Universities here are with Microsoft that we have a Microsoft Liaison Officer... paid by the University!) that situations like that although possible are strictly illegal. Microsoft has created deployment tools for that reason only, else everyone would be doing it (out in the open that is)...

Of course the whole idea of a restoring certain information files across installations being illegal; especially when the software is legally bought wouldn't really hold much water in court but nonetheless it is there in the (very fine) print... It is primarily for illegal users but it's broad enough that covers everybody (trust me Microsoft only leave loopholes in its code, not its legal documents ;-)

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