On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 23:32:12 +0000, Tony Firshman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On  Thu, 16 Dec 2004 at 22:18:55, Michael Grunditz wrote:

I am looking for a good superbasicbook, I am a real beginner at this. If
anyone have some you do not need so mail me.
It just has to be the Jan Jones book.

I haven't a spare copy, but I bet someone does.


Or my own SBASIC/SuperBASIC Manual - oh, if only it were available - Phoebus will print one-odfs if you ask nicely...

I have quite a few second hand books (including Jan Jones) for sale - have a look at:

Most of these are on behalf of Quanta :-)

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services
26 Oak Road, Shelfield, Walsall, West Midlands WS4 1RQ


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