Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:

> There has been some talk on this list about some form of
> "currrent directory" or "home directory" for programs that
> are being executed.
> As far as I understand it, the purpose of such a directory is to
> give the program the name of the directory from which the file was
> executed, so that, for example, it can find a configuration or data
> file in that directory.
> This facility as such doesn't exist in the QL world.
> I propose to incorporate it into SMSQE.
> The problem is one of compatibility, of course. Technically, various
> solutions could be considered, such as putting it after the command
> string,
> but all of them will face some obstacles, such as how to get at this
> from a compiled basic program.
> Concept
> =-=-=-=-=
> The solution I find most acceptable, would be to create a new
> "Thing". This thing would hold the home directory string, and each
> job could get it from there.

Conceptually, I'm not keen on this centralised approach - it seems
rather too Windows-like!

Since it's an item of job-specific data, couldn't it be associated
with a job-specific data area or structure (e.g. put on the stack
prior to activation)?

Apart from anything else, this would maintain the "self-cleaning"
property of the operating system...


> In today's everyday use, there seem to be several ways that
> programs are executed.
> - Via the EX, EW etc commands, which are part of SMSQE itself.
> These commands will have to be amended.
> - Via the Hotkey system. Unless a default home dir is set
> up explictly, jobs set up in this way won't have a
> home directory
> - Via QPAC2. This would have to be changed to send the home dir
> name to the thing.
> - Via other file managers (which ones?). They would have to be
> changed, too.
> If there are many of them, I might envisage creating
> a new trap (#3, D0 = $3F) which takes as parameter the
> name of a file & excutes it (this is a facility which
> I find sorely missing from the OS as such anyway).

Trap#3 functions deal with channel IDs, not device names. Shouldn't
this be implemented as a vectored routine?


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