On 11 Jan 2005 at 10:53, John Hall wrote:


> Conceptually, I'm not keen on this centralised approach - it seems
> rather too Windows-like!
> Since it's an item of job-specific data, couldn't it be associated
> with a job-specific data area or structure (e.g. put on the stack
> prior to activation)?
> Apart from anything else, this would maintain the "self-cleaning"
> property of the operating system...

However, how do you get at that from basic, espacially compiled basic?

By the time your (new) keyword to fetch the data has been called, what is on
the stack will/might have been overwritten....

The only other job-associated data structure is the job header. I am NOT
willing to bet on the number of programs out there that assume that this
structure is $68 bytes long...

> > If there are many of them, I might envisage creating
> > a new trap (#3, D0 = $3F) which takes as parameter the
> > name of a file & excutes it (this is a facility which
> > I find sorely missing from the OS as such anyway).
> Trap#3 functions deal with channel IDs, not device names. Shouldn't
> this be implemented as a vectored routine?

Well - whatever.
It mixes trap#1 (creating a job), trap#2 (opening a channel), trap#3 (getting
the file into mem).

However, you just made mùe think of something - it isn't possible to call the
job creation trap from withing another trap, in Supervisor mode (now where
have I heard that before recently?) so a vectored routine it might be.


> John
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