----- Original Message ----- From: "Dilwyn Jones"
To: "QL Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "QL News List"
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 8:46 PM
Subject: [ql-users] Dictionaries

Obviously if anyone has more QTYP dictionaries I would be pleased to add them >to the collection. Of all the QTYP language dictionaries I was able to locate, the >one I want isn't among them - Welsh. If anyone can find a Welsh word list of >suitable size for a spell checker (20,000+ words) on the web I would be very >happy to receive a copy! All the ones I've been able to find are either too small or >in a format I can't decode.

Some day I must get around to putting all my QTYP dictionaries on my website as I promised to do long, long ago.

For the record I have:

Danish  23,515 words
Dutch   52,612 words - 70,459 words - 180,130 words
French  208,913 words
German 165,935 words
Italian    83,829 words
Norwegian  61,413 words
Spanish   174,846 words
Swiss German  165,810 words
English (UK + USA)  84,099 words - 194,433 words
English (UK)  65,197 words - 82,098 words
English (USA) 61,366 words - 77,722 words

I think I shall have to send these to you on CD by snailmail, Dilwyn.

BTW you can save QTYP dictionaries to a PC medium without them becoming corrupted as they are already compressed,

Best Wishes,

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