On Tue, 9 Aug 2005 02:54:29 +0200, Alexander Klock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

- Is there a way to get software from the net onto microdrive cartridges, e.g. with a cable or something?

- How much effort is neccessary to connect a cd-rom-drive to the QL? (Because I think it's the easiest way to get new software)

I can answer these together. The easier way to get QL software off the Internet and on to a standard QL is floppies. There are a number of floppy controlers for the QL, some with additional memory (like a TrumpCard, GoldCard or SuperGoldCard). Floppy drives themselves are fairly cheap. Some QLer's on the list might have older drives in a case for sale.

Then you will need some QL<->MS-DOS transfer software. Mtools is a free program that does all of this, but is a bit complicated. You will also need an archiver software like unzip, or infozip, or LHQ, etc. You then download the compressed software (.zip usually) to your PC, copy it to floppy, walk it to your QL, use mtools to copy it to a QL floppy, then use unzip to extract the files.

The software is easy and I'm sure some QL'ers in Germany can give you the executables on floppy to get you started. The hardest part will be getting the hardware for this.

Once you have all of this, there is a ton of freely available software to use on the QL.

Tim Swenson
QL-Users Mailing List

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