On  Fri, 7 Oct 2005 at 19:33:42, Timothy Swenson wrote:

>On Fri, 7 Oct 2005 20:49:37 +0100, Malcolm Cadman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Do modern computer users do any programming any more ?
>> Or is it all web pages, video clips and MP3 downloads ... ?
>Given that the computer has pretty much become an appliance (sold along
>side TV, Washers, etc), I'm sure most computer users treat it that way.
>The same way that most of us treat our cars, ie. just a way to get
>around.  I'm sure the early horseless carraige hobbyists were not too
>happy when the car gained mass appeal.
>I'm sure that those that want to program, do.  And those that don't, don't.
It isn't exclusive to modern systems.
Only the other day a QL black box user with Trump Card was having
problems with his floppy drive.

Roy showed him some advanced debugging tricks,
urmm "dir flp1_"

"What is that?" he said.

I don't think he had ever used superbasic - he was a 'press F1 to run
Quill' man it seems.

Mind you surely even he _must_ have had to use 'format flp1_" - or maybe
that was why his floppy disks did not work (8)#


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