Hmmm, thats an interesting idea.

I shall recap..... and get my GC/SGC's the right way around.

One QL has good Microdrives ( we'll call it QL A)
One QL has knackered Microdrives ( we'll call it QL B)
Both QL's work on their own.
Both QL's work with my Trump 2 card
Both QL's don't work with my SGC
QL A doesn't work with my GC
QL B works with my GC
68008 have been removed from both QL's when attempting GC & SGC
Both QL's tested using two power supplies
Both QL's have JS roms

SGC & QL B will be sent back to R.M. who hopefully will
supply me with QL C which works with SGC.

If you've been paying attention you'll be saying 'Aha, 
but there's no guarantee that QL C will work with GC as this only
works with QL B thats been ditched', and you'd be right but one my 
SGC works I will be selling GC.

btw, my Aurora works like a dream, if only you could attach microdrives

Cheers, Neil

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05 February 2007 23:25 >>>
Hash: SHA1

Robert Newson wrote:
> Tony Firshman wrote:
>  > Hash: SHA1
>  >
>  > Robert Newson wrote:
>  >
>  >>Neil Riley wrote:
>  >>
>  >> > Hi Chaps,
>  >> >
>  >> > The only QL I own with working Microdrives for some reason
>  >> > refuses to work with my GC but works with my Trump card.
>  >> > whereas my other QL with very unreliable microdrives works
>  >> > fine with my GC.
>  >>I know this may be a bit extreme, but does the network work
between the QLs?
>  >>   In which case could you copy the MDVs on one QL onto the disks
on the 
> other?
>  >>
>  >>PS Thanks for fixing my QL-GC problem Tony - could this be
something similar?
>  >>
>  > I forget - what did I do exactly (8-)#
> Replaced the ROMs! GC worked in your machine, QL vaguely worked by
> but plug GC in it died.
Ah yes - so I did.
It was with another JS I think.
Odd that, as the QL was working fine until GC was plugged in.
It is the first time I have come across something like that.

Neil - it is worth trying the ROM from the working machine in the
non-working one with GC.


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