Tony Firshman wrote:
Rich Mellor wrote, On 17/12/08 19:01:
Nope - it definitely does not work on my system - you just get a static QUANTA logo - it would help if the link had a tooltip as well !

It does work in Firefox however unless you use the IE Tab plugin to display it using the internet explorer rendering engine


Did you mean to say "It doesn't work in Firefox however unless you use the IE Tab plugin to display it using the internet explorer rendering engine"?

I don't have that plugin in Firefox 3.0.4 on the Mac and Windows and it works. I do though *hate* flashing on the display. I find it very hard to concentrate on other parts of the display. I remember the flashing switch even in Prestel in the 80s, and it was much derided (and avoided).
In fact it is simply an animated gif:

Nope it does work as expected in Firefox under Windows

It does not work in Internet Explorer on my machine, nor if you use the IE Tab plugin for Firefox to display it using the internet explorer rendering machine.

It is an animated gif, but something on my system obviously stops it working in IE.

I can't see how an IE toolbar, whatever that is,  can affect the issue.

John - how about setting up 'www' in your domain provider's account - usually under DNS settings. That way typed literally would work instead of giving a 404 error.


Rich Mellor
RWAP Services

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