Op Sun, 28 Feb 2010 08:16:46 +0100 schreef Ralf Reköndt <ralf.rekoe...@t-online.de>:

Tony Firshman wrote:

What a pain.  This conversion routine will be the first serious QL
programming I will have done for years!
I can't believe no-one has done it before.
This could turn into a major project, as it might then be possible to
output Excel directly along with formulae.
I must investigate the format of that!

Wasn't there a kind of filter with QSpread for importing Abacus, then export the file...?

I must confess that I never used the Qspread import options (not many _aba files to export) but a quick try is not promising. The "PsionExport_exe" tool sets up a hotkey that can be called from Abacus to "prepare" the sheet for normal export. So I suspect most of the Abacus export limitations still apply (no formula).
Beware, the file is first modified to include grid information!
Then from Qspread the _exp file should be imported, provided the "PsionImport" filter is set correctly. In my trails this failed to work with a file error and even a QPC2 crash! :(

The Qspread manual states that the author is working on a new filter to directly import the _aba sheet, this has not surfaced yet.
Good luck, Tony.


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